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‘That was so good’ he smacked her backside and licked her lips, content with their passionate lovemaking…she quickly gathered the sheets to hide her Unclad form…years of doing this hadn’t gotten her used to it…she still felt cheap and dirty after each client…
He noticed her sudden quietness and was a bit perturbed…she rode him like a wild mare some minutes ago and now she acted like a conquered virgin…
‘Am okay Chief…I think am good to go’ she hated talking to her clients after or establishing any sort of camaraderie with them…the idea didn’t just sit well with her. She knew it wasn’t disadvantageous because more men kept on coming to her….she was extremely beautiful.
Not wanting to waste more time, she quickly slid out of the bed and began to dress…
‘Let me shower first…wait for me’ …she just watched him shaking her head sadly…he was old enough to be her father but things didn’t work that way.
You see her name is Bola Makanjuola and she is a call girl, what we Nigerians would refer to as ‘runs girl’. But her story is not that of some young girl from a financially challenged family, no, hers is a reverse.
‘Have this baby…we should do this again some other time’ he smiled and she thought him ugly just like the others she had business with. They were mostly rich millionaires in their middle ages while a few were young business men but they all craved for one thing and she did give them but not without cost…
She quickly placed the Dollar notes into her Gucci purse and walked out of the door praying for the guilt to wear off. She knew deep down the consequences of such a reckless life but what else could she do? She had no one ….okay…she had someone who had turned out to be her greatest night mare…Her father.
She smiled at the hotel receptionist as she stopped to read a post…an advert for a singing competition ‘Golden Voices’…a call out for talents from all parts of Nigeria ….with fair rewards for the winners.
‘god I love this’ she whispered….then she remembered his voice…the man that haunted her since she was a child…a voice that followed her like a shadow even to her world of dreams. ‘You will never amount to anything’ his voice echoed…she swallowed deeply…maybe it was time for her to chase her dreams…to come out of her shell and show the world what she had inside.
‘Do you like that?’ the receptionist asked politely, she nodded in response…
‘Come over here and get a form it’s free’ she handed Bola the form and gave her more detailed information on the competition.
Well she had to make good use of her time while waiting for the strike to be over… ‘sometimes I wished I had more cash…I would school overseas’ her friends usually complained but she only smiled at the irony of her life.
She was going for this competition and no one was going to stop her….
She felt her iphone8 vibrate against her other phones… she smiled at the phone knowing it meant business was up….
‘Rosemary how are you doing? Anything for your girl’?
‘Babes….there’s this guy you should meet…he is a serious hottie…and very rich…make sure you handle him well….i gave him your number…remember to send my tax as usual’.
She waved her naughty friend off…Rosemary was the only one that understood her well… she was more than a sister …far too precious than her evil father who had ruined her life totally but she promised never to let go of her dreams.
Re: Songs Of Love (a Song For Bola) by Angelsss(f): 10:46pm On Jul 11
Her mother died of breast cancer when she was only six years old but she heard it different as she got mature. Her late grandmother who never liked her mother always told her the death was caused by ‘edun ara’. She was told of how her mother had cheated on her dad countless of times with different men sometimes with the drivers.
But she couldn’t think of her mother in that light …her mother was the love of her life…her angel. She remembered the days she would run home witho

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