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A must Read!!.... #Peer influence Gone Wrong ...See how a dullard ruins her life..#story that changes Destiny.

A true life story..... Please after reading share the link to all your friends to read...
A young girl named rejoice, she is a fair,beautiful elegant lady,she has a wonderful family who loves her so much
Rejoice dad is very rich he can buy almost,all the schools and company or any business organization if he wants to
Rejoice dad enrolled her into a boarding,school ,rejoice goes to church everyday,asking God for wisdom sheis very dull as in dull from birth to spell her name is a great problem shehas three friends named jenny,gift and Bella.
Gift was the most intelligent among them.
Rejoice was in her room eating whengift came into the room telling her to bring a sum of 5000 so that she wil give her expo during the upcoming Waec.she convince her that 5000 is a chicken change.
Everybody in this world wishes to passwaec so that they wil enter into senior college I.e university.
Rejoice told gift to leave the room that,she will think about it,rejoice slams,the door and she sat down and took, her book and started reading she,can't understand anything in the book
The next day after school she was about going to her hostel some set of girls came pouring her water and  "shouting rejoice the joyful dullard " she went to her hostel crying.Rejoicewas intimidated by her classmates
it was two months before the West Africa Examination Council (waec)
Rejoice read her books but yet she  cannot,remember anything she read so she quickly called gift to come over to her her hostel
Knock was gift...come in  quickly says rejoice. Gift came in and rejoice gave her themoney .Gift told rejoice that she cannot,go scotfree that shemust join their team rejoice stupidly agreed to join them
The next day the waec official brought the times table it was mathematics,rejoice was not scared because of the runs she has done with gift.
On the day of exam they did everytinsuccessfully without being cut.
Results were released  rejoice was the second best student after gift.
They graduated from the school. when'they got home rejoice parent  was very happy they thought God has answered their prayer by giving her wisdom
At'night theywere eating and arguingabout the university she is going to go.
They concluded she is going to Ghana'to further her education she was really happy
She started her first semester with gift @ the university in Ghana.
Every Friday night gift goes 2 club rocking  dancing  smoking.
Rejoice was in her room thinking that'how will gift live this type of life and still yet be very intelligent and brave...while thinking she slept off
The next day gift came to her Lodge inviting her to a night party and as a member of their group she must attend
Rejoice has a nice voice the night of the party she was supposed to go to her church vigil .
She was tempted  to go to the party cus it's a birthday party and nothing is bad going to  a birthday party
Rejoice made the greatest mistake of"her"life that night she was forced into smoking  dancing doing rubbishthings of the world she joined cultist group she was made the assistant to their leader.
She drew tattoo over all the part  of her body....
Satan can transform peoples destiny just in one night
 All of a sudden,she"changed"when  she came back from school,4 break  her mother  saw her  she fainted.
Rejoice who was trained in a christian way but she departed From it.
Rejoice quickly poured water on her mother's face and she woke up,she quickly"called" her husband and  he came back he was already happy that he wil meet his only child
When he opened the door he saw tattoos all over rejoice body.He asked is this what  you  went  to  Ghana to do??
She did not reply him she hissed.her father gave her a hot slap and he
went inside to get his belt he flogged rejoice and she ran outside she did not come back. she went to the street stealing people's money and properties with her cult member.
There cult gathering was always  Thursday night so they can operate on Friday..
On Thursday night they planned how to rob a bank which have up to  1 billion in their vaults..
Vaults is where large amount of  money is kept in bank
On Friday night  they shared them selves into 10 groups  and they  are you with  strong weapons .
Rejoice wore mask as she was going she was carefully watching if anybody was spying at her
As she was going she was knocked down by a car and she was quickly rushed to the hospital and she was looking for blood to save her life.
Jenny her school mate came in and they tested her blood it was a universal donor, they transfered the blood and it matched with rejoice blood.
The remaining members who went to steal they stole everything in the bank
Without being caught or traced.rejoice was discharge from the hospital her father paid the bills. When she got home.jenny visited her
And told her that she should report the case @ the police station and rejoice was convince and she wrote her statement at the police station and the caught the thieves.
God has many ways to save lives
When rejoice went home she went on her kneels and cried aloud begging her parent to forgive her. .they forgave her and she was relieved she thanked God unconditionally
Please always come back to read from here
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Written by Fredrick Ojiako

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