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In recent years, salt has been demonized
as contributing to adverse conditions
including heart disease and
hypertension, and many a health-
conscious individual has developed the
mindset that meals should contain little
to no salt.
While an overabundance of processed
salt can indeed be detrimental, sodium is
essential to the human body, so the key
is the type of salt, rather than salt itself.
Real, unprocessed salt actually
contributes greatly to health, rather than
deterring from it.
The Dynamic Duo You Need More Of
The type of salt that has gained a bad
reputation for all salt is table salt. This is
the form of salt that is most often found
in many homes, but it is entirely
commercially produced. Table salt is a
manmade refined product.
The refining process removes many of
the vital nutrients that naturally occur in
salt and adds several chemicals in the
process. The list of chemical additives
includes: fluoride, chemical bleach,
potassium iodide, monosodium
glutamate (MSG), sodium bicarbonate
and solo-co-aluminate.
Table salt is associated with a wide
range of significant health problems. It
has been pointed to as a contributor to
high blood pressure and weight gain. It
is also thought to contribute to
developing type 2 diabetes, gout and
water retention or edema.
Table salt can also contribute to muscle
spasms and cramps as it dehydrates the
body. It is also thought to contribute to
affect mood and be a factor in
depression and anxiety.
By contrast, unrefined sea salt is a
naturally occurring mineral. It is
harvested from evaporated sea water
and is only heated by the sun as it dries.
No trace minerals are lost in the process
of making sea salt. Trace minerals
contained in sea salt include: sulphur,
calcium, sodium, magnesium, silicon,
boron, potassium, bromine and
Sea salt also has many health benefits in
addition to providing necessary trace
minerals. It can help with weight loss
efforts, sooth irritated skin and reduce
asthma symptoms. Regular consumption
of sea salt can also improve blood sugar
levels and regulate heart health.
It also improves mood and can help with
muscle cramps and treat dehydration.
You can find many kinds of unrefined
salt right in the store, but check the
label, it must say “unrefined” – some sea
salts are still refined.
We like to use AztecSeaSalt,which is not
sold in stores. We know for a fact that it
is high-quality, unrefined, and loaded
with the good minerals and nutrients
you need. Learn more about AztecSeaSalt
Another example of real, nutritious salt
is Himalayan salt. It is raw, pure, and
contains important minerals including
phosphorus, vanadium and silicon. It
provides the body a natural source of
sodium without the processing and
Here are four important reasons to
embrace real, unrefined, mineral-rich
salt as part of your nutritious diet:
Your body needs salt to function
Sodium is essential to the body’s cellular
metabolic processes, and also regulates
the fluid surrounding the cells. It is also
key to the proper function of the
cardiovascular, nervous and digestive
Eating unrefined, natural salt helps the
body to transport nutrients between the
cells, assists the brain in communicating
with the muscular system and stabilizes
blood pressure. It can even boost your
creativity and stimulate your brain’s
ability for long-term planning.
While the American Heart Association
(AHA) recommends less than 1,500
milligrams of sodium per day, the
Institute of Medicine recommends at
least 1,500 milligrams, just to replace the
sodium the body loses through urination
and sweat glands. The body needs
approximately 500 milligrams of sodium
per day just to stay alive.
Too little salt can cause significant damage
Sodium deficiency, also known as
hyponatremia, can lead to serious
complications. Just a few of the
conditions that can arise from
hyponatremia are loss of energy, kidney
damage, brain swelling, heart failure,
confusion, headaches, seizures and even
You might be thinking to yourself that
too much salt is just as dangerous, as it
has been popularly associated with
hypertension, heart disease and stroke.
However, many of these associations are
loose at best.
There is no solid scientific research
linking salt intake with heart disease. As
far as hypertension, sugar and excess
grains may be far more to blame for this
condition than sodium.
Problems may arise with sodium intake
if your potassium levels are too low.
Potassium is an important mineral
which helps to balance out sodium in the
body. If you eat an excess of salt and do
not get enough potassium, hypertension
is more likely.
Real salt provides important minerals and
One of the primary reasons why salt
intake has been linked to disease is that
over 80 percent of the salt consumed by
Americans hails from fast foods and
processed meals. This salt has been
highly refined, has had much of its
nutrients stripped, and often contains
chemical additives. Some processed salts
even contain added fluoride. This is a
far cry from real, unrefined salt.
Warm salt water has an array of benefits
One great way to enjoy the benefits of
real, mineral-rich salt is to drink a glass
of warm salt water in the morning. The
mixture of filtered water and unrefined
salt is known as Sole, which comes from
the Latin word for sun (sol). The best
time to drink Sole is before breakfast.
Sole helps to support kidney function,
especially in maintaining bodily fluid
balance. When real salt is mixed with
water, it is easily absorbed by the body.
Drinking salt with water in the morning
also helps your body to absorb water
throughout the day, without extracellular
fluid becoming over-diluted (which can
happen if you drink too much water and
do not consume enough salt).
This traditional morning beverage also
promotes healthy digestion, can improve
sleep quality and aids in detoxifying the
body thanks to the antibacterial
properties of natural salt. Sole also
supports clear, healthy-looking skin,
healthy veins and is a great addition to a
balanced weight loss plan.

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