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‘You better come and open this door now or I’ll blow your head up, Skibo I go waste this people oooo’, this, one of the robbers said while peering into the window of the room where Ednihek and his brother slept. His voice was as thick as that of an ex convict in Harelm. Ednihek and Abala were dead asleep, even the weather had so made their sleep so graceful. The night was mild but the rainfall was such an epic that just wouldn’t stop. Still enjoying their dreamland, Abala could hear the shouts from behind the window, ‘Abi this people deaf ni’, come and open the door, we are here’. Abala who is much younger quickly woke up in fear and anxiety giving his elder brother, Ednihek a punch on his face, probably that would make him arise from his useless sleep and realize they are actually not sleeping alone and have ‘visitors of the night waiting to enter into their palace of robbery’. That was just August 3rd; Abala quickly left the room for his dad’s who has already woken up scavenging for the cutlass in the storehouse. The visitors were in already, pouncing on Mr. Alani their father who was not quick to find the cutlass. Voices filled the room, Abala, Ednihek , their two sisters and a cousin with mum were all marched like the German fleet to the living room.

*** Not much was stolen, just a key holder Ednihek had bought a night before, a palm slipper(s) he also bought to wear in 5 days time; August 8 later for his Post UTME in the prestigious OAU, Abala’s Play Station 2 was also carted away, and surprisingly no one would ever imagine that gentlemen of the night also get bored and find pleasure in playing video games. The ‘Psalm 23’ Abala was reciting for over a thousand times in his heart did not make him more concerned about his PS 2 that would no longer be his anymore in few hours. Mr. Alani’s pant trousers and shoes were stolen also, their Mum also hid the money meant for Ednihek’s Post UTME underneath the bed which was stolen anyway. Pelumi and Oyinda, the eldest of the girls were almost raped but thank God for mum’s intervention and motivational speech; ‘Please they are little girls, they are on their period’. Shadow as he’s called by his fellow robbers who appeared already pulling his trouser shouted; ‘Shoroninyen’

****Still reviving from the trauma of that night, Ednihek puts his luggages in order, his father spoke; ‘You have to manage yourself ooo when you get to OAU campus, find where to sleep when you are through with your exam, you know the thieves took all the money I reserved for AUSGUST 8 which is your day of Post Utme. Ednihek was seen almost looking like a refugee, ‘Driver mi o duro ni Mayfare ooo, Campus ni maa ti bole’. The driver scolds,’ Bole bayii oo, mi oo lo campus ooo’. Seemingly confused, Ednihek alighted at the Campus gate with his big travelling box around 9:45am from Iyana-Ipaja, Lagos. Obviously it was his first visit to the State of Osun as he looked carelessly like a window shopper lost in ‘Shop Rite’. He could see other students bigger and some even smaller than he is. He really didn’t know where he’s headed to and his exam is in the next 1 hour. He stopped a ‘poff poff’ seller to buy 50 naira own, at least that should carry him for some while. Today, AUGUST 8 is a day he has envisaged and fantasized about, and would not let the remembrance of the robbery on his family 5 days ago spoil the fun, the thought of how he’ll destroy the questions in the exam hall, how he’ll likely meet the girl of his dreams. He sits meticulously while observing the big girls and big boys as they pass by. He could count several cars which had in it a man, supposedly a father driving on the left hand and a small boy or girl his height at the left. Without doubt, they were also Post UME candidates whose parents will not risk leaving them coming to OAU alone. ‘Hey Ednihek, waoh! So you’re here too, nice to see you’, it was the voice of one of his mates from the tutorial centre where he prepared for the exam. ‘Okay Tade, takia, break a leg in the hall oooo’, Ednihek said laughing as he waved at the runaway angel. As he turned to leave, he looked left and his eyes caught a beautiful mistress who was talking over there with another guy, she was laughing so much, probably the guy was the reason. Ednihek felt jealous feeling he was the reason for her laughter. After several minutes of contemplation, he summoned courage to get in between the union. ‘Hey’ Ednihek said, clustering in between the two of them. Watch it boy, what’s your problem, don’t you have manners’, the mistress said. Ednihek felt shut in the mouth and stammered; ‘I…I….I was about to say….’. The other guy replied swiftly, ‘say what’. ‘I mean…’ replied Ednihek. As he moved to and fro trying to articulate his words, he realized the head of his belt had disbanded from the belt, his trouser fell slowly towards the ground, he quickly supports it with his hands taking to his heels for a safe haven where he could fix the head of the belt once and for all and afterwards go back to the fish he just caught. The girl and the boy laughed their asses out. Every corner he turned to that appeared silent had an average of 15 students chatting together…

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